Digital Equity

Digital Equity

Digital equality in higher education aims at the development of digital skills and equality issues related to access to digital infrastructure, software and internet connectivity, essential-high quality digital content for study/learning, content in local languages, tools and applications for creating, sharing and exchanging digital content, academics’ knowledge of how to use digital tools and resources,
high-quality research on the application of digital technologies to improve learning (Resta, Laferriere, McLaughlin & Kouraogo. 2018; Resta & Lafferriere, 2008) and safeguarding everyone’s right to an education.

Safeguarding all stakeholders’ right to digital education includes:

  • the cultivation of critical thinking and creativity, as well as the emotional well-being of students
  • the practical demonstration of empathy and the development of a climate of cooperation between teachers and students
  • offering opportunities for active action aimed at socialisation and active participation and action by students (Aguilar, 2020).
For more information, please join our 8-week MOOC.