

Online Workshop: Proactive Design of Inclusive Learning Environments at the University

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Online Workshop: Proactive Design of Inclusive Learning Environments at the University

On Friday 28/04/23, the Teaching and Learning Support Centre (CTL) of the Technical University of Crete and the University of Crete Centre (CTL TotT) collaborated for a joint seminar entitled: Proactive Design of Inclusive Learning Environments at the University.
Workshop moderators and speakers: Dr. Kallia Katsampoxaki Hodgetts, Coordinator of the Teaching and Learning Support Centre of the
University of Crete. (Curriculum Vitae) / Dr. Evangelia Krasadaki, Coordinator of the Teaching and Learning Support Centre of the
Technical University of Crete. (Curriculum Vitae)

Embracing a holistic framework of inclusion, speakers presented multiple ways academics can identify and prevent physical, cultural and cognitive learning barriers and they presented strategies that can render learning environments more inclusive.