

Flipped Classroom: Theoretical approaches and practical implementations


Flipped Classroom: Theoretical approaches and practical implementations


KEDIMA TotT  of the University of Crete, organizes its 2nd online TOTT meeting of academic year 2023-2024 entitled:

“Flipped classroom: Theoretical approaches and practical applications”

which will take place online on Wednesday 8 November 2023 from 13:30 to 15:00.

Thanasis Karalis, Professor of Lifelong Learning and Adult Education at the Department of Education and Early Childhood Education of the University of Patras and Director of the Pedagogical Research and Training Laboratory.

The flipped classroom is a way of organizing the lesson based on the use of technological tools, especially those of asynchronous education, but at the same time it uses the time of face-to-face meetings in an innovative way. Especially after the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid spread of online education, the flipped classroom can be an alternative way of organizing university courses, providing opportunities for increased student participation, promoting collaboration between them and developing soft skills. The meeting will present the basic theoretical elements of the flipped classroom, as well as data from its application in two six-month courses at the Department of Education and Early Childhood Education of the University of Patras.

Plota, D., & Karalis, T. (2019). Organization and implementation of a Flipped Classroom course in the Greek University context, Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair, 6(2), 53-61. Karalis, T., & Raikou, N. (2021). Flipping the classroom remotely: Implementation of a flipped classroom course in Higher Education during the COVID-19 pandemic, European Journal of Open Education and E-learning Studies, 6(2), 21-38. Karalis, Th. (2022). From the condition of the pandemic to the post-pandemic era: Lessons and proposals for adult education and lifelong learning, IME GSEVEE Online Conference on The experience of the pandemic of the disease COVID-19 in adult education and training in Greece: dimensions, consequences and outlook, March 21.

To register for the meeting (optional) :

To watch the meeting (zoom link):

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