We have secured competitive rates in three hotels in Rethymnon city from the 14th-18th September 2023. If you like our suggestions, please contact the hotels below (as soon as possible) and use the code name Prof. KATSAROU reminding them of the quote provided:
1. Brascos- https://brascos.com/el/ (Price for a single bed is 48,00 and for a double bed is 63,00 WITH breakfast. Hotel tax (1,5 euros per night) needs to be paid extra. Contact email for securing reservation info@brascos.com
3. House of Europe 65 Ε per day WITH breakfast for a double room και 60 E per day (Single room WITH breakfast ( plus hotel tax 0,50 E per day). Contact Name Mr. Christidis Email Creteholidayhome <creteholidayhome@gmail.com> See here Website
Disclaimer: Please contact your preferred accommodation directly ( the hotel contact email) after you check online reviews in Tripadvisor or Booking.com Before booking please check if the rooms provided meet your expectations. Dates are 14th-18th September 2023.